How To Connect A Stove Pipe To A Wood Stove

Stovepipes and wood stoves were created to be combined. It's critical to properly assemble a stovepipe so that the different parts go together properly and smoke or draughts do not enter or exit the structure.
A wood stove pipe comes in parts with independent fittings which you’ll need to assemble, allowing you to create nearly any arrangement for any type of wood stove.
A steel, round-shaped flange protrudes from the top of this stove, allowing for easy connection. All that's left is to match the pipe and flange.
Attaching pipes to stoves does not require any tools that are difficult to obtain or any specialist training. It's something that everybody can do.
Typically, a wood stove pipe can vent both horizontally and vertically, however vertical setups tend to be more effective for most stove pipes.
Different pipe designs necessitate different clearances, and remember some laws mean that you can't use adaptors to combine multiple chimney pipe fixtures.
This article will provide a step-by-step guide of how to properly connect your stove pipe to your wood stove with ease.
It’s important to make sure that you follow the instructions properly when connecting your stovepipe to your wood stove, as failure to do so can result in a risk of fire and decreased efficiency.
If you feel like you are unable to complete this job by yourself, it may be better to hire a professional to do it for you.
Materials Required To Connect A Stove Pipe To A Wood Stove
- Tape Measure
- Paintbrush
- Sealant
- Metal Screws
- Elbows
- Additional fittings
How To Connect A Stove Pipe To A Wood Stove: Step-By-Step Guide
1. Determine the Pipe Flange Dimensions

The flange protruding from the top of the stove should be measured. It might exit the stove horizontally from the back side or vertically from the top of the stove.
The diameter of most stovepipes is 6 inches, but make sure to double-check. Using the measurements, buy a single-wall pipe which is 12 inches in size.
2. Arrange the Parts Together
Examine the stovepipe. The pipe should have slightly different ends. A little bulge will appear on one of the ends. It could be almost undetectable.
If necessary, use a tape measure to determine the difference. The flange accepts the big end. The smaller end of the stovepipe is crinkled or crimped on one end.
3. Use Sealant To Finish The Job
Around the circumference of the flange, apply a band of stove pipe sealant, around 1 inch in thickness. You can also use pipe cement if you prefer.
Apply 1 inch up from the point where the flange emerges from the stove with a paintbrush.
Some sealers are better used on wood stove pipes, while others are better for metal. Make sure you pick the right one for your job.
4. Position the Pipe Correctly On The Stove
With both hands, take the 12-inch part. It should be placed at the top of the stove's flange. It may appear to be too little at first, but it should work fine once you’ve positioned it properly.
Turn the pipe carefully in circular motions while gently pushing it down. Begin spinning the 12-inch part side to side as you push down once it has slipped over the top of the flange.
5. Check That The Flange Is In Place
Turn in circular motions and push the 12-inch part downwards firmly but carefully until it contacts the stove's top. Once inside the pipe, the flange should vanish.
6. If Necessary, Add More Fittings
Add extra fittings or elbows to the top part of the pipe if required. Fit the bigger end to the smaller end to install other pieces using the same procedure.
Tips To Connect A Stove Pipe To A Wood Stove
Three metal screws, around 3 inches long, should be uniformly placed around the perimeter when mounting additional fittings above the flange.
A good example is the 12-inch section. Depending on your demands, you can place longer or shorter parts on the top part of the stove.
Before installing the pipe, inspect the seams. This sort of joint is prone to breaking. Click the seams together carefully if this happens.
Common Problems
Problems When Working With Old Chimneys

Old chimneys are frequently too large for modern wood stoves. That is to say, the amount of air they draw is not proportionate to the amount of heat produced by the stove.
A large chimney implies you'll burn more wood than you need and spend more time maintaining the fire than is necessary. Within the chimney, you'll need to install a "liner" stovepipe.
It should run the length of the chimney and be no larger than the stove's exhaust aperture anywhere along its length.
However, before you start cramming pipe up the chimney, you should understand how it was designed and what kind of insulation it has.
Too Much Horizontal Stovepipe
A vertical venting system is most effective for this job. Rather than drilling holes in the roof, some homeowners run their stovepipe through windows or walls. However, this is not a great idea.
Placing The Stovepipe Along Exterior Walls
This is more of an efficiency issue than a safety concern. If the pipe travels up an inside wall, the stove will heat more of the home, and all of the heat from the pipe will stay in the house.
Failure To Construct An Outside Vent
It should go without saying that placing the exhaust on the outside of your home is a good idea.
Too Many Twists And Turns
Venting systems should be straight and direct rather than twisted and turned. As a stovepipe twists and turns, creosote builds up, increasing the risk of fire.
Final Thoughts
If you want to connect a stove pipe to a wood stove, make sure to follow the step-by-step instructions and tips outlined above, and take care to avoid the common problems that homeowners find when they connect their stove pipes to wood stoves manually.
It’s very important to keep safety considerations in mind both to decrease the risk of fire and to increase efficiency.
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